Tom Neuhaus

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Trip to Visit Cocoa Farming Villages in Ghana and Ivory Coast

user image 2009-05-27
By: Tom Neuhaus
Posted in:
Join me on my 7th annual trip to help cocoa farmers in Ghana and Ivory Coast. These two countries produce more than 55% of the world's cocoa. Their farmers are extremely poor, and their poverty makes possible the mainstream chocolate that some of us enjoy.We will land in Accra, purchase cocoa storage bags, travel to Ebekawopa, Ghana, donate a dryness meter and 100 cocoa storage bags, measure the effectiveness of the solar cocoa drier we built last year, then travel to Ivory Coast, where we will visit three villages that just received cocoa scales from my NGO, Project Hope and Fairness .We will also visit a village where we just dug a 180-feet-deep well and Saf Cacao, the fourth largest cocoa buyer in Ivory Coast. There are lots of other adventures in this action-packed 7 day trip, costing $4,000, which includes travel costs from NYC to Accra and back (with a stop in Casablanca for a little fun in the souk).For more information about past trips, see my blog .


Susie Norris
06/02/09 19:06:10 @susie-norris:
Hi. No luck for August this year - but I'm a definite canidate for next year as it will take me that long to save enough ducets. As fellow Californian artisan chocos, I'm sure our paths will cross before then! Bon voyage!
Tom Neuhaus
06/01/09 16:23:19 @tom-neuhaus:
Hi Susie. I'm thinking around August 15 departure. Does that work for you? Tom Neuhaus
06/01/09 14:56:02 @eve:
Around the last two weeks of August, I think. Tom can be more specific
Susie Norris
06/01/09 14:42:53 @susie-norris:
What are the dates this year?