10/27/10 18:48:12 @adeir-boida-de-andrade:
Andre,Gostaria de conhecer melhor seu trabalho com chocolate.Ns temos fazendas de cacau no sul da Bahia, estamos produzindo amndoas da melhor qualidade, e comercializando nibs de cacau cru pela internet. Veja em www.planetacacau.com.br Envie informaes para meu e-mail: adeir@planetacacau.com.brForte abrao
08/12/10 17:36:39 @ilene-shane:
Let's talk on Monday 212-725-6972 looking forward to hearing and discussing lifes possibilities!!
04/18/10 18:02:24 @chocolat-des-arts-by-cintia:
Oi Andr, desculpe a demora em responder. A vida de chocolatier no fcil no. Too busy!!!! Ento vc mora em NY? Que delcia! Morei por a h alguns anos. Abrao.
09/28/09 09:27:02 @susana-garcia:
Hi Andre!I'm from Spain. How long have you been in ny?
09/21/09 17:30:41 @mathew-p:
Hi Andre, Thanks for adding me as a friend. I am happy to assist you on software requirements.Mathew
09/07/09 18:15:00 @anna-mazzoccoli:
Andre-I am closing down because the shopping mall I am in is set be torn down and so business has plummeted. Well, that and now that I've been home with the kids I kinda like it... Please let me know if I can guide you in any way -- I had a great mentor and I wish to do the same for someone else!good luck for now!anna
09/06/09 19:22:22 @anna-mazzoccoli:
Hi Andre!I just joined today and read some of your posts and questions but I did not track that timeline all that carefully... did you open your shop yet? If not and you have still so many question, I can help you. Since you live in NYC and I am just across the river in NJ closing down my shop... let me know what you think!anna :)
05/28/09 08:12:42 @eve:
Thanks for your good wishes. Stop by if you're ever traveling between San Francisco and Los Angeles.
04/02/09 14:06:44 @karen-h:
Hi AndrePlease let me know how the classes are at The French Culinary school but just a smaller class on Chocolate Truffles and bonbons and more. I also was looking at the ecole but was a little afraid of the whole online classes. I'm more of a visual learner. Good Luck!!!!!! please let me knwo how it goes.
Andre,Gostaria de conhecer melhor seu trabalho com chocolate.Ns temos fazendas de cacau no sul da Bahia, estamos produzindo amndoas da melhor qualidade, e comercializando nibs de cacau cru pela internet. Veja em www.planetacacau.com.br Envie informaes para meu e-mail: adeir@planetacacau.com.brForte abrao
Let's talk on Monday 212-725-6972 looking forward to hearing and discussing lifes possibilities!!
Oi Andr, desculpe a demora em responder. A vida de chocolatier no fcil no. Too busy!!!! Ento vc mora em NY? Que delcia! Morei por a h alguns anos. Abrao.
Hi Andre!I'm from Spain. How long have you been in ny?
Hi Andre, Thanks for adding me as a friend. I am happy to assist you on software requirements.Mathew
Andre-I am closing down because the shopping mall I am in is set be torn down and so business has plummeted. Well, that and now that I've been home with the kids I kinda like it... Please let me know if I can guide you in any way -- I had a great mentor and I wish to do the same for someone else!good luck for now!anna
Hi Andre!I just joined today and read some of your posts and questions but I did not track that timeline all that carefully... did you open your shop yet? If not and you have still so many question, I can help you. Since you live in NYC and I am just across the river in NJ closing down my shop... let me know what you think!anna :)
Thanks for your good wishes. Stop by if you're ever traveling between San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Hi AndrePlease let me know how the classes are at The French Culinary school but just a smaller class on Chocolate Truffles and bonbons and more. I also was looking at the ecole but was a little afraid of the whole online classes. I'm more of a visual learner. Good Luck!!!!!! please let me knwo how it goes.