Pre Grinders and particle size
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Sorry for the late response mike - have been tied up. There are pros/cons to everything - it depends on what your goal is. Pregrinding your nibs can be very beneficial in that it can:
1) increase your throughput via reducing the duration spent in later steps
2) may decrease your moisture (liquor has moisture), thereby reducing your conch times / viscosity
3) may result in finer finished chocolate
The cons may include:
1) additional equipment and process steps
as noted initially, these things are VERY dependent upon your setup and your goals. Do you need it? No. Can it be beneficial? Certainly. Will it help you achieve your goals? That depends on what your goals are 8-) Don't you hate 'it depends' answers - but the reality is - it depends. Given your budget constraints, i'm going to assume it's a VERY small operation, and as such i'd probably suggest you just skip a pre grind step and live with the extra time spent in a rotary mill. Perhaps a quick run through food processor or blender to get the nibs smaller by a bit, but you may not find value in investing in another piece of equipment at this stage of your work.
I do echo the sentiment that post milling screening is important - regardless of the type of quantity of mills you have.