Jeff Pzena

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01/01/10 05:42:23 @holycacao:
Hi Jeff- we used a gas dryer that we found the safety and removed the thermostat- replaced it with an oven thermostat. The drum needed to be modified because it broke the beans and they would fall through the cracks and eventually caused a fire. If your handy and don't mid a little electrical wiring- it's an easy mod. Good luck
The Republic Of Chocolate
10/05/08 18:22:06 @the-republic-of-chocolate:
hello jeff, first of all thanks so much for acepting my request... i believe every Chocolate Lover would dream about living in a Republic of Chocolate, so far my Republic Of Chocolate is the blog that i write.. hope you will enjoy it!
02/02/08 16:35:37 @chocoflyer:
Thank you i really appreciate it- unfortunatly i cant attend the Belize trip but would love to know more about their history w/choc and utensils/ dishes used for it. Pls ck out my pics of the Mexican choc pot- really interesting with a wide bottom and skinny neck, they stick the molinillo in and mix the hot choc vigorously until a froth forms. They also are famous for adding cinnamon to choc- mmmmm love it - what flavors to Belizians add?
Holly & Paul Stabin
02/02/08 11:20:41 @holly-paul-stabin:
Great to see you have joined C-life! We're really looking forward to taking our group down to your Lodge (and to hang out with Clay) in Belize this coming May. We do have a bit of space left if anyone still wants to go - deadline is 2/6/08 to reserve your river-view cabana! Chocolate, travel & snorkeling - 3 of our favorite passions in one place!
02/01/08 17:01:51 @chocoflyer:
Jeff-or Clay- curious- do the people of Belize also use a Molinillo (sp.) to whisk the hot choc like in Mexico? Im not sure if thats unique to Mexico, but they have used them since Aztec times- I have a picture of its use on my page- makes a nice thick froth on top- sold in all the shops, handcrafted in wood with beautiful designs.
Clay Gordon
02/01/08 16:17:01 @clay:
Jeff:Welcome to The Chocolate Life. I am eager to learn more about your experiences in Belize. For everyone who does not know Jeff, he is a co-owner of The Cotton Tree Lodge.