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strawberry balsamic
burnt caramel cups
Chocolate Swirl
Chocolate Box
Caramel with Pistachios
Almond Butter
Boxed Chocolates
Milk Chocolate Truffles
Boxes of Chocolate
Chocolate Menu



02/13/10 22:42:19 @ilana:
Hello. I enjoyed the video you posted! Thanks somuch for sharing! I bet lots of people will come to your workshop!!
Gwen Borders2
02/07/10 10:48:00 @gwen-borders2:
Hi Valerie - Home Chocolate Party kinda stalled during this recession, so the answer to your question is no, I do not have any consultants in Boston :) And you are looking as lovely as ever! What kind of flavors are you working on now? I remember reading your first menu card, when I joined TCL several years ago ....
John Q. Stewart
10/27/09 17:46:29 @john-q-stewart:
Nice photo's
zhemin Park
08/11/09 13:55:01 @zhemin-park:
Hi ValerieYour product is so beautiful and i like boxes chocolate alot.Can i get more about your product ? Thanks and all the best!David Park
04/09/09 23:13:01 @stephanie:
Hi Valerie, I know you didn't ask me about Burdick's, but I thought I would add my two cents. It was a great experience! Everything is first rate. Michael knows his craft very well and he is a very patient teacher. Everyone in the production facility was wonderful. We also got to see alot of the work going on there. One of my favorite things was that we would make a mess and someone else would clean it up!! I still wish I could get that to happen here at home. There were two girls who helped us alot... they were great. I would highly recommend their program to anyone. You can check out the curriculum on their website and it tells you what the class will cover.
erika jensen
04/08/09 18:42:17 @erika-jensen:
i loved it! so fun and very inspiring...but more so, just super fun! you really get to love all your "classmates" and one, jonathan, and i still correspond and he even gave me a place to stay when i went to paris last year :)
Hisham El-Abiad
07/12/08 11:13:34 @hisham-el-abiad:
We make good chocolate but we focus on milk chocolate as many of our clients prefer this type although the dark is more noble and tasty.
Hallot Parson
05/27/08 11:24:07 @hallot-parson:
Hi Valerie.Thanks for taking the time to write your comments. I am working on changing the info on the packaging before going to the final print. I have to say that that sort of thing is the hardest part for me, so I tend to procrastinate. Your packaging looks very nice by the way.Also, my intention is to make the next batch of Ocumare at 70%, so that will make an interesting comparison to see if the sugar taste you mentioned is taken out. I have discovered that all sugar is not equal, and perhaps I need to do some more experimenting with that component as well. The sugar used in this batch was organic unprocessed cane sugar.Thanks again, and good luck with your business.Hal
04/08/08 18:43:20 @chocoflyer:
I wish i still lived in Boston, id get on the T and come see your shop- hows business? Thats a major undertaking opening a choc shop- way to go!
04/06/08 23:17:19 @brendan:
Thanks! No storefront yet; my focus is on wholesale and the web. You can find some of my chocolates at Lionette's (a personal fave), Formaggio, and Serene Chocolates. I'm busy remodeling my "new" kitchen space at the moment, but I'm always happy to have visitors come by. It's at 75 Decatur St. in Arlington. It should be largely finished in the next two weeks; at the moment it looks more like a toolshed then a chocolate kitchen.
Clay Gordon
01/29/08 07:08:06 @clay:
Valerie:Thanks for joining The Chocolate Life. What kinds of filled chocolates do you make and what chocolates do you use to make them? Post photos if you have them. Have you visited any of the La Maison du Chocolat stores in Paris? I've been in the flagship store just off the Place Madeleine. They might be good here in the US but they're the best in Paris (come to think of it, most things are better in Paris!).