Forum Activity for @dale montondo
chocolate shop name
Posted in: Opinion
I really love OMG chocolate, but probably put chocolate first for marketing. I'm new at this and have my first inspection tomorrow. I've done so many things to get going and the label on the package is my biggest holdup. That and the business plan. But for inspection I need to have the packaging, ingrediants/ contact info/ artwork on the packaging so I'm going with blank packaging for now and print labels which is more expensive but fits the budget right now.
How to make chocolate syrup
Posted in: News & New Product Press (Read-Only)
John has one on Chocolate Alchmey, I haven't tried it yet but it's a recipe using good chocolate.
Q-Grader for Chocolate
Posted in: Chocolate Education
Roasting is an art for sure. When I get beans I usually do a few small batches and go with the best roast. Blending is another art I hope to have some fun with.
Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques
I'm using a 50 mm round disc mold, 12 cellsand depositing with a syringe from a Rev 2. It starts pulling away from the outside and movestowards the center. It leaves a spot, quite nice looking,in the center when I unmold them. I'd like to make that spot bigger.Any ideas would be much appreciated.
updated by @dale montondo: 04/20/15 23:57:09
Chocolate Thermometers
Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques
Infrared here too. Stir, stir stir.
Mixing two chocolates together and color question
Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques
I made some very tasty dark milk by mixing. It's actually quite fun as well as rewarding. As far as temper, I usually seed it with what ever seed chocolate it most resembles. make a few test samples.Just a thought but you could stripe it with something really dark. A chopstick works good for me. Line up the chocolates, dip the chopstick in let it run off over them.
Label ingredients? Nutrition Facts
Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques
I called the FDA. Since I don't use any meat products they referred me to the Dept of Ag. and Mkts. I called them and They told me I was talking to the correct Dept.In order to sell in NYS I need an approved kitchen. A list of ingredients starting with the largest ingredient. A name on the packaging. Contact #'s and owner name.I was told If I met that I can sell anywhere I want. I should be able to verify that in about 4 weeks when I open my shop. My other inspections include the town code, fire marshal, and town Supervisor. Also Certificate of authority to collect taxes. Insurance in case someone gets sick. Then it's time to see the business attorney. This is what I have to do in NY. If I require more or less I will post when I open for business.
Working Chocolatier Q&A
Posted in: Opinion
Brad. I always like reading your posts. On this forum and others. I've learned a lot in 3 yrs from you and other countless people as well as Ecole, and will be getting my first inspection on my own shop tomorrow. As far as the espresso goes it it's amazing, for coffee that is, lol. I don't drink coffee and I really enjoy your recipe. It couldn't come at a better time because I just booked a wedding and was asked to do a coffee filled confection. The ganache is the best I've ever made, lite, smooth, and a shine. The sweet/ espresso is balenced. My wife delivered the samples to the client today and she said it was a hit. Thank you so much.