Lovey Dovey?
Posted in: Opinion
I get letters, and some of them just have to be passed along to my fellow chocolate
Hi Casey,
I am a huge fan of your blog and I wanted to reach out to you to tell you about this
really cool new chocolate community. This community works within a leading
chocolate company, currently developing some really innovative new concepts around
chocolate. The aim is to open a dialogue with chocolate enthusiasts, and then let
those enthusiasts (like YOU!) help shape and influence new product development,
provide feedback and interact with other chocolate lovers. I think you would be an
awesome contributor to The ChocoSphere-- I love your chocolate reviews! Your ideas
and voice would help influence new product development for a top chocolate brand.
You can share your thoughts and feedback, and have an impact on this brand's
I'd love to send you a personalized link to join the community-please email me
confirming your interest and I'll send one over. Or, if you have any questions, please
let me know.
The ChocoSphere
/~A private community for chocolate passionistas~///
So I received this email from one of my super fans, who shall remain last
nameless, i t seems. Out of curiosity I wanted to inquire as to what business it
was that would ask of my chocolate consultancy free of charge, and just
generally whose chocolate I would imbibe. After all, my mom always taught me
never to accept candy from strangers. Ashley was so friendly, and she sure
knows how to flatter a person, flattered the pants right off.
So my pants on the ground, and my curiosity thus piqued, and knowing that
Ashley did say she would be happy to answer any questions I might have, I sent
her just one simple question before I was ready to sign my life away.
But her reply was also a rebuff, and quickly revealed that poor Ashley was
suffering from amnesia all about our new BFF status, and about who, in fact,
I even was.
Hi Casey,
Unfortunately I can't tell you the name of the company, but it is a leading
chocolate brand and we'd love to invite you into the community! Please confirm your
occupation and I can send you over a link to join the community.
Sincerely, Ashley
The ChocoSphere
~A private community for chocolate passionistas~
Now we do know something about Ashley, even though we may not know
her last name, or the name of her company. But other than that she is a great
flatterer and very passionate, we may only know this: She will vary the amount
of tildes and slashes bordering the chocolate passionista slogan, depending on
her mood and/or degree of amnesia.
Now the only other place I've really seen the phrase "chocolate passionistas"
about the web was here , in this "community for chocolate passionistas,"
brought to you by Dove Chocolate. Won't some kind soul direct Ashley there, so
that she can recover some of her memory?
updated by @Casey: 04/12/15 03:49:04