Duffy Sheardown

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Duffy Sheardown

Sugar grinding

Hi Folks,Almost ready to fire my new...
@Duffy Sheardown 16 years ago - Comments: 6

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Robert Quilter
08/24/12 03:21:03 @robert-quilter:

Hi Duffy

Hope your well!!

I received my grinder from Cocoatown today, exciting!! I just wanted to clarify the electricity/plug outlet. I opted for a 220 Volt Phase 1, do i just take off the US plug and put on a UK one?

P.S. I was visiting my brother the other weekend in London and visited Paul Young's shop in Islington, bought some Mast Brothers and your Sea Salt Milk Chocolate which was amazing!!

Regards Rob

Robert Quilter
07/25/12 15:14:18 @robert-quilter:

Hi Duffy

Thanks for showing me around, really learnt alot, you were very helpful!!

Regards Rob

Robert Quilter
07/20/12 15:03:38 @robert-quilter:

Hi Duffy

Thats great, see you Monday at 12.



Robert Quilter
07/20/12 06:04:46 @robert-quilter:

Hi Duffy,

Monday is fine, think its about a couple of hours to Cleethorpes. What time is best for you, would 12 ish be ok? Is your address on your website? Rob

Robert Quilter
07/20/12 03:51:56 @robert-quilter:

Thanks Duffy

I am in the process of looking for the best small grinder and seem to have settled on theECGC-12SL Deluxe Melanger from Cocoatown. It would be great to come and see your factory and get some inspiration, where exactly are you? and how are you fixed for next week, I am free Mon/Tue 23/24th July



Joseph Davies
04/15/11 08:38:26 @joseph-davies:
No problem at all. See you around midday. Cheers.
Joseph Davies
04/15/11 02:31:53 @joseph-davies:


Thanks again for the invite to the factory. Look forward to seeing you on Monday. Have a nice weekend,


Vercruysse Geert
01/08/11 09:43:43 @vercruysse-geert:

My shop is about 25 km from Lille (France) 30 km from Gent and about 40 km from Bruges. You will find a Googlemap on my website


Geert Vercruysse

12/06/10 04:34:20 @karlien:
Great, i will let you know when exactly i will be visiting and then we can make arrengements with them from there?Karlien
Cat Ankerson
07/12/10 12:08:35 @cat-ankerson:
:o) When head home to the UK for a holiday I will look for your chocolate to try! xx
Cat Ankerson
07/08/10 14:44:47 @cat-ankerson:
Hi Duffy, I've been living here in Ecuador for a few years and a cacao farm has recently come into my hands. so if you are ever around this country for a tour or are interested in some Ecuadorian cacao beans then let me know!xx
Adriennne Henson
05/23/10 18:21:56 @adriennne-henson:
Hi Duffy,I was at Clay's chocolate wonk group and I got to taste your bars and I liked them and they were very creamy and I also liked your packaging.Where can you buy your bars in London???Adrienne Henson
Carlos Eichenberger
02/23/09 10:47:33 @carlos-eichenberger:
Hola Duffy!I'm based in Guatemala City so I'm unable to tell you if the beans were fermented or not. In any case I would think they were UNDERfermented as that is a prety common practice here. It stems from the times of Criollo-only, when it was easy to over-ferment if you went over 4 days. Nowadays, most of the Guatemala cacao descends from Trinitario stock, which definitely benefit from a longer fermentation. Sadly, their practices have not changed accordingly, resulting in lots of astringent, under-fermented cacao on the local markets. Also, as someone else mentioned, sometimes growers won't even do that, but rather just wash the cacao, sun dry it and try to pass it off as fermented.
Ernesto B. Pantua Jr.
02/18/09 05:47:06 @ernesto-b-pantua-jr:
Hi Duffy,Thanks for the advise. Much appreciated.Jun
01/20/09 18:19:59 @fernanda:
Dear Duffy:how great you are interested in Guatemala! It is really a beautiful country. Well, regarding your question, my sister works directly with some coffee associations but two of them are small cacao farmers. I already asked her to get their names and phone numbers. We also are planning to visit them soon. I will let you know any information I get. Anything else you need please do not hesitate to ask. Best regards,