Forum Activity for @Teresa Cordero Cordell

Teresa Cordero Cordell
@Teresa Cordero Cordell
10/15/08 19:45:23
13 posts

Halloween's Upon Us. Your Faves?

Posted in: Tasting Notes

Halloween is certainly one of my favorite holidays as well. The memories of halloween's past bring a big smile to my face. The costumes, the candy, the kids, the candy, the partying, and the candy. We've tried various treats throughout the years. Popcorn balls, homemade cookies, those goofy candies wrapped up to look like eyeballs, you name it. The favorite has always been and will remain CHOCOLATE. Snickers, M &M's, Hershey bars, Reese's PB Cups, even tootsie rolls. These of course are MY favorites and I've been known to sneak a piece or two. Ultimately, the kids don't really care. It's their night to go out and HOWL. I love it. Wish I was 6 years old again.
Teresa Cordero Cordell
@Teresa Cordero Cordell
10/15/08 19:55:28
13 posts

Foods That Can't Be Made Better With Chocolate (!?)

Posted in: Opinion

It's possible to make a thick sauce of red chile or chipotle with some Mexican Chocolate. Then either layer it on the beef patty or spread it on the inside of the bread slice. It would give the FAtty Melt a smoky "mole" type flavor. If you thin out the sauce, you could turn it into an au jus type of dipping sauce as well.
Teresa Cordero Cordell
@Teresa Cordero Cordell
10/09/08 09:19:56
13 posts

Chipotle in Chocolate

Posted in: Tech Help, Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

If you are going to add some type of chile powder or sauce, mix it into the chocolate for a smoother finish and taste. It will probably give you a "mole" type of flavor if you add too much though. So go easy with it at first. Taste test until you reach the taste you're looking for. You might want to try using a Mexican Chocolate.
Teresa Cordero Cordell
@Teresa Cordero Cordell
10/09/08 09:21:32
13 posts

What Kind of Chocolate Lover are you?

Posted in: Opinion

Any and all chocolate as long as it is at least 50 - 60 % cacao. I do have a preference for Mexican chocolate though.
Teresa Cordero Cordell
@Teresa Cordero Cordell
09/26/08 14:53:49
13 posts

Hershey on the block.

Posted in: News & New Product Press

Never knew the world of chocolate could be so politically and financially predetermined. I understand the business aspect of the industry, but I don't understand if these manuvers will affect the ultimate processing of the chocolate. I'm just a chocolate lover, but in my opinion, the difference in taste and texture is vast.
Teresa Cordero Cordell
@Teresa Cordero Cordell
09/11/08 09:06:28
13 posts

Chocolate themed t-shirts

Posted in: News & New Product Press

Clay, did you design this? How cool is that! I have an idea for a chocolate t-shirt, but I have to created the picture first. Then, what ? Do I contact Cafe Press and have them create the t-shirt for me?
Teresa Cordero Cordell
@Teresa Cordero Cordell
09/05/08 13:43:22
13 posts

Chocolate themed t-shirts

Posted in: News & New Product Press

If you've heard of Cafe Press, you know they have a ton of t-shirts in all sorts of designs. Well, they have a great collection of chocolate themed shirts as well. One of my favorites is the chocolate molecule design. Nothing cartooney, not flashy, no picture of dripping chocolate, just the straight molecular design on the shirt. You can see it here .
Teresa Cordero Cordell
@Teresa Cordero Cordell
09/05/08 17:31:30
13 posts

Drinking Chocolates

Posted in: News & New Product Press

Here are a couple of drink recipes that we enjoy. I hope you like them too.First recipeChocolate MargaritaChocolate Chipotle Powder, recipe follows1 ounces dark chocolate liqueur1 ounces chocolate vodka1 ounces tequila1 coffee flavor liqueurChocolate Chipotle Powder*2 tablespoons Mexican Chocolate ground into powder1 tablespoon ground chipotle powder (or red chile powder if you prefer)Mix completely and set aside.Spread the Chocolate Chipotle Powder out on a large plate. Rim 2 (8-ounce) martini glasses by rolling the edge of each glass on a clean wet sponge, then rolling the edge over the powder. Tap the glass gently to knock off the extra powder. Pour the rest of the ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake vigorously until the outside of the shaker is frosty. Strain immediately into the glasses and serve.Second recipe:Chocolate Martini cup half-and-half or light cream8 ounces dark chocolate liqueur (1 cup)2 ounces vodka (1/4 cup)Ice cubes2 tablespoons ground Mexican Chocolate teaspoon ground cinnamonMix ground Mexican Chocolate and cinnamon. Spread on a plate. Moisten rim of martini glasses with a wet sponge and dip into the chocolate-cinnamon mixture.In a pitcher, stir together the half-and-half or light cream, chocolate liqueur, and vodka.Place ice cubes in a martini shaker. Add liqueur mixture; shake. Strain mixture into four to six chilled martini glasses.
Teresa Cordero Cordell
@Teresa Cordero Cordell
09/05/08 13:21:25
13 posts

Is Xocai everything it's made out to be?

Posted in: News & New Product Press

That certainly is disappointing.. I've been curious about the Xocai for a time now and am glad I looked no further. Chocolate has enough "health" benefits on its own without it being exploited in this way.
updated by @Teresa Cordero Cordell: 06/20/15 00:25:19
Teresa Cordero Cordell
@Teresa Cordero Cordell
10/09/08 09:36:37
13 posts

Vivid metaphors

Posted in: Tasting Notes

A day without chocolate is like a day without sunshine.
Teresa Cordero Cordell
@Teresa Cordero Cordell
10/09/08 09:24:59
13 posts

Cool Tool: Chocoflex Spherical Truffle Mold

Posted in: Geek Gear - Cool Tools

How cool is that? But, I think I'll wait until a less expensive version comes out in the market. Till then, I will continue to roll out the truffles the old fashioned way, by hand.
Teresa Cordero Cordell
@Teresa Cordero Cordell
10/09/08 09:15:23
13 posts

Quotable Quotes

Posted in: Opinion

There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATELinda Grayson, "The Pickwick Papers"I so totally agree.
Teresa Cordero Cordell
@Teresa Cordero Cordell
10/09/08 09:46:49
13 posts

Take The Chocolate Personality Test

Posted in: Opinion

It turns out I'm a medium/dark. I believe this because of my love of Mexican chocolate.