
Starbucks Rumors

user image 2008-01-29
By: Clay Gordon
Posted in:
Hold on to your hats everyone, rumor has it that Starbucks will be getting into the "artisan" chocolate business in a big way pretty soon. Given the number of doors (that's the technical term that people use when they talk about the number of stores) in the Starbucks franchise it stretches credulity to believe that the chocolate will actually be made using artisan production methods. When I know more I will let everyone know what I find out.

In the meantime, take a moment to post your thoughts in the Forum Discussion "What Makes an Artisan Chocolate Artisan?"


Clay Gordon
02/07/08 20:33:12 @clay:
I went to the press conference today but had to sign a on disclosure agreement before I could enter. Everything I learned today is embargoed until March 3rd. I will let you know when I can. Interesting stuff, though.
Clay Gordon
01/30/08 10:00:32 @clay:
There is an interesting article in the New York Times Business section today ( that talks about the task facing Starbucks' turnaround. Interestingly, losing focus is high on the list and it seems like introducing a private-label brand of chocolate is not sticking to your knitting.I have been invited to a press launch for the chocolate which takes place next week and I will fill you all in when I know more.
01/30/08 08:25:15 @sera:
Well, considering how burnt their coffee tastes, I hope the chocolate won't be the same way! ;)
01/29/08 19:33:07 @chocoflyer:
Have recently spotted NEW Starbucks Drinking Chocolate Chunks at Publix (grocery store) They were on a special display and came in several flavors (dark/milk and milk/marshmallow) It showed a spoon dripping with thick choc and ingrediants were basically the same as for choc chips- directions were to melt the choc w/milk in microwave or stovetop. Forget the cost- i think $4.99 or so......have to admit i did not get it but was very excited to see Starbucks back in the choco biz!
Clay Gordon
01/29/08 09:44:03 @clay:
An interesting question about the fate of coffee. I am waiting to hear more - they flubbed with Chantico. You're right that it could be a good market but I would think that serving the core market better would be more effective than adding a new product line that many customers might not understand enough to appreciate.
01/29/08 09:18:20 @lorna:
Ah the siren. I worked there for six years putting my butt through college. My fiance (we met behind the push-button bar) and I walked away with enough stock for a down payment on a house which we planned to buy this year. Unfortunately, we've lost a third of it as it has seriously depreciated. If fancy chocolate gets us our house back, then bring it on. This could be a good market force for quality chocolates. Then again, most of the organic and Fair Trade coffees we stocked sat on the shelves until it expired. The question is, will the chocolate match the customers? The quality probably will, so I wouldn't expect much more.